Lonergan Funeral Directors provide for all religious denominations and none, integrating the wishes of the deceased and the bereaved. Our services include:
Click on the Below Links for More Info:
- Use of our Funeral Home
- Burials / Cremations
- Coffin selection
- Organising religious ceremonies
- Organising Civil Ceremonies
- Wording and arranging obituary notices through various media – web / radio / press
- Liaise with priests / rector / civil celebrant
- Grave purchasing and opening
- Use of Hearse
- Floral tributes
- Order of service booklets / memorial stationery
- Funeral music contacts – various genre
- Supply of condolence books, crepe
- Supply of practical supplies – chairs, boilers, crockery etc
- Organise external lighting
- Organise marquee
- Organise house security
- Web casting
- Repatriation
- Grave marking, organise headstone erection / refurbishment
- After funeral guidance
- Funeral pre-planning
Useful Links:
Citizen Information (Bereavment& Death)
– Visit Website
Anam Cara (Supporting beareaved parents, regardless of the age of their child)
– Visit Website
Deparment of Social Protection
– Visit Website
Aware (Support through Depression)
– Visit Website
Irish Hospice Foundation
– Visit Website
Bereavement Counselling Services
– Visit Website
Sosad. Address 6, Parnell St., Carrickmacross.
– Visit Website
– Email: sosadcarrick@gmail.com